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Saturday, February 02, 2008

Country clubs for Oklahoma

Sports news for Oklahoma

Ein Sport für Nerds

Wed, 02 Jan 2008 04:36:00 GMT
Die Tageszeitung - An den Universitäten von Oklahoma oder Georgia sieht man das allerdings ganz anders. Auch an der Virginia Tech oder der University of Southern California findet man, die eigene ...

Silvester global: Willkommen, 2008!

Thu, 31 Jan 2008 13:20:00 GMT
Der Stern - --- Weitere Fotostrecken --- 60. Todestag Mahatma Gandhis: Stationen eines friedvollen Kämpfers Karneval in Rio: Der Holocaust als Faschingsspaß US-Vorwahl Florida: Der "süße ...

Bloomberg heizt Gerüchte über Kandidatur an

Mon, 07 Jan 2008 23:57:00 GMT
Die Welt - Bei einem Treffen von Demokraten und Republikanern an der Universität Oklahoma erklärte der parteilose Politiker, das Lagerdenken lähme den Fortschritt in den USA.

Bennett: $120 million good enough for Oklahoma City arena (NWCN)

Fri, 01 Feb 2008 15:57:42 GMT
New Sonics owner Clay Bennett demanded a new half billion dollar basketball palace from Seattle taxpayers, but now he says $120 million in upgrades is good enough in Oklahoma City.

Oklahoma presidential primary is ‘closed’ (Paris News)

Fri, 01 Feb 2008 20:29:52 GMT
HUGO, Okla. — Some Oklahoma voters will be left out of the presidential selection process when Super Tuesday rolls around next week. Since Oklahoma conducts closed primaries, including Tuesday’s presidential primary, only voters registered with a political party may vote.

Bennett wants public money in Oklahoma City (Everett Herald)

Fri, 01 Feb 2008 18:40:09 GMT
OKLAHOMA CITY -- Seattle SuperSonics owner Clay Bennett believes public funding is the most logical way to pay for upgrades to Oklahoma City's downtown arena that are aimed at luring the NBA team to town.

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